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Results 1 - 2 of 2 for 'MEGA TCP'

  • Immediate implant placement after teeth..

    Immediate implant placement  after teeth extractions #34 #35. At the initial intraoral xray we saw a decay under the crown of tooth #35. After clinical examination the patient also had a infection on apical area of the #34 #35. The patient was sent for a CBCT and we can see the damage of the bone near to the alveolar nerve.  The treatment plan was to extract the two teeth and remove all the debris of the area. We used bone graft MEGA TCP plus A-PRF for bone regeneration. We placed the bone graft at the bottom of the socket in order to prevent contact of the implant with the alvoeral nerve. We take advantage the knife type threads and the design of the AR in order to take initial stability for the implants.


    Hit : 1393

  • Bone Regeneration and Implant Placement

    Patient came with panoramic x-ray that we could recognize bone defect at are #16 and decay on #17. The patient went for a CBCT and we saw a huge bone loss due to a apical cyst of tooth 16. Also the #17 could not be saved. We decided to extract #16 #17, remove all the debris of apical area and the granulation tissue. We make bone regeneration  and wait for 8 months.After 8 months we took another CBCT to check the bone situation, then we decided to proceed to the restoration with Any Ridge implants.


    Hit : 1587
